

As AI writes more and more code, the workflows around code will change - writing code, reviewing code, fixing code, and tracking progress.

We are building for this future world with singular focus to make engineering operations 10X better. Today, we help you understand the code being written, review it, and fix it. On top of this, we want to build a rich set of analytics - deterministic and LLM-based to help track true progress in your codebase going beyond the legacy metrics such as lines of code, number of PRs, etc. Archie AI can help you understand the state of tech debt, code reusability, code complexity, bottlenecks, patterns etc

Example of things Archie AI can help you with

  • Explain code

    • Get summary of the codebase that include right from the buisness context to the technical details.
    • Get a walkthrough of the codebase to understand the high level architecture.
    • Ask questions about how a particular function is implemented.
    • Rewrite the code in different language.
  • Review Code

    • Get a comprehensive review of the Pull Request with full context of the codebase that is fluid, deep, and concise
    • Get a walkthrough of the PR changes and commitable suggestions
    • Find similar issues related to the PR.
    • Write tests for the PR
  • Fix Bugs

    • Assign Sentry issue to Archie AI, which will automatically generate a fix, following step by step process and open a PR.
    • Reduce the time takes to fix bugs and reduce the oncall burden.